Written and Art Journaling and Online Classes

One of my main purposes for making this blog is to have a place where a journaler can find EVERYTHING about spilling your life… books, videos, online classes, reviews, blog posts, freebies… all in one place. When I started out art journaling, it was hit or miss. I googled this and that and had to hunt for instruction, ideas, guidance, opinions and other art journalist and journalers.

My next project is to make a listing of Online Classes, Upcoming Online Classes, and Freebies. These lists, along with my Book, Magazines and Site Lists,will be posted and will be constantly updated as I receive approval from the artists to link and include class information from their sites. If I have taken a class with an artist/writer I will let you know. If you hear of a site or upcoming online class that you would like added to my list, please let me know!

Another reason I wanted to make an Online Class list is that when I started it was mainly artist and writers offering classes to help others find the joy of art and written journaling. What has happened in the last few years is that the classes have become strictly a money-making endeavour for some offering classes. There are even Online Marketers that are selling the formula to make your fortune selling online classes. So, in amongst the artist offering the very best material that includes their heart and soul, there are now many people selling online classes that offer little or nothing of much value, let alone any heart… often at a very high cost.


My rule of thumb when taking a class from a new instructor is to see if they have any free offerings or any YouTube or on site videos available to see if I like the instructor’s style and the content they present. This is really important because there are all sorts of ways of presenting online materials. Some instructors use strictly text and photos, others use videos to show step by step instruction, yet others set the camera to roll and show their techniques with no explanation – only music in the background… Or maybe you could take a less expensive class to try out this instructor. This particularly comes into play for me when the class is expensive, and for me, expensive is any class over $75 dollars. It is hard for me to swallow a text and photo based class if it costs over $75 UNLESS I know the artist and have faith that the material will really be worth it. It is hard for me to be satisfied, if I pay for a $75 or over class, and only get a few 5-10 minutes videos and some pdf content, UNLESS that content is OVER THE MOON FANTASTIC… I will feel (and have) jipped. Why? Because I have been so incredibly fortunate to have taken some of the most awesome, content filled classes by some of the most fabulous artists and writers out there! After you have taken a class with tons of wonderful video content for $30 and pay for a $97 dollar class that turns out to be text-based rehash of what is out there all over for less that $10… you tend to get VERY ANGRY. Don’t get me wrong, there are some classes that are offered over $75 that may be FANTABULASTIC, and are. But more and more, unless you know the instructor, there is more of a chance to get taken.

Spillinglife.wordpress.com, allows you to meet the artist and investigate/enjoy their sites and see what classes and freebies they have to offer. Have fun, learn, explore… that is my goal!

Happy spilling!


Welcome to Spilling Life. I am so glad you are here!

This blog is dedicated to everything journaling.  Especially those practices that help you spill your life in a journal, on a canvas, on a napkin, on a blog, in a book!  I will make personal blog post discussing daily issues and how they relate to my jounaling practice and my life.  I also want to make this a special place where you can find lists, review, suggestions of books, magazines, and classes that relate to journaling in all its many forms.  My hope is to make this an interactive blog.  I have included Sojourns, journaling exercises, that I hope you will try out! Then comment, ask questions, let me know what you think!

And please, please, please, pardon my electronic dust.  I am learning how to create this blog as I go.  From day to day for the next couple of weeks, you might see lots of changes, maybe some blank spots…  and some leaness on content.  I have photos and videos and lists, and review all waiting to be added.  Some have been easier to add, some more difficult but please, stop by from time to time, to see what is new.  Again, thank you so much for stopping!  Hope to see you again soon!